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3 Value-Adding Home Improvement Projects that Don’t Require an Architect - By Gil Livingston
Tips & tricks
Gil Livingston

3 Value-Adding Home Improvement Projects that Don’t Require an Architect

Being an architect, I refuse to let other people work on my home on projects I can finish quickly and simply myself.  A few examples of such projects are below. When doing these projects, you should always look on the web, in your local library, or even go to a home improvement store for easy to follow instructions on what to do and what not to

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How to Select the Best Employees in the Construction Industry - By Gil Livingston
Gil Livingston

How to Select the Best Employees in the Construction Industry

Finding reliable, trustworthy employees can be a challenge, especially in the construction industry. This is a fact most contractors are well aware of today, but like most aspects of running a successful business, a little work at the beginning of the hiring process can help prevent a lot of headaches, delays, and costs that can be caused by hiring the

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